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Hear from our collaborators

The investigation of pancreatic islet regeneration has been central to my lab's research. My collaboration with Boehringer Ingelheim, mediated by its open innovation portal opnMe, has provided us with access to unique reagents and resources and enabled rapid progress over the past two years.

Assistant Professor, Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens

opnMe helped us create a collaboration with a team at Boehringer that had designed an IDO inhibitor, leading to many fruitful interactions. It is a real team effort between my lab at Yale and the scientists at Boehringer. I am so hoping that this can lead to a true treatment for many patients.

Professor, Yale School of Medicine

As an expert in SOS1/2 biology and tumorigenesis, I was pleased to see the opnMe call for novel hypotheses around SOS1::KRAS. It was the starting point that led to a productive research collaboration and now culminated into a high-profile publication.

Associate Professor, USUHS Bethesda

opnMe has been instrumental in advancing our research in retinal diseases by providing access to a unique compound for IL1RAP inhibition and facilitating a successful partnership with Boehringer Ingelheim. Our experience with the team has been professional, enjoyable, and resulted in fruitful outcomes.

Professors, Queen’s University Belfast

opnMe has significantly advanced our research on the therapeutic potential of SOS1 deletion or inhibition in KRAS-driven and other RAS-dependent malignancies. By providing access to critical compounds, opnMe has enabled us to conduct studies that assess safety and efficacy of single and dual SOS1/SOS2 inhibition.

Associate Professor, University of Torino, Italy


Molecules for collaboration

How can I upload a modified version of my proposal after submission?

Molecules for collaboration

Have the molecules available for collaborations completed preclinical safety assessment?

Molecules for collaboration
Are the molecules suitable for in vivo proof-of-concept studies?
Molecules for collaboration

Are the molecule pharmacological profile and structure available?

Molecules for collaboration

Who owns any potential IP arising from novel experimental observations?

Molecules for collaboration

Do I need to share the compound associated data with Boehringer Ingelheim?

Molecules for collaboration

Will other applicants be able to see my collaboration proposal?

Molecules for collaboration

How much molecule can I order?

Molecules for collaboration

Will the molecules be shipped free of charge?

Molecules for collaboration

What is the timeframe for granted molecule access or proposal review?

Molecules for collaboration

Is funding available to support preclinical proof-of-concept studies with these molecules?

Molecules for collaboration

What if I have additional confidential information?

Molecules for collaboration

How are the molecules requested?

Molecules for collaboration

What are the benefits of a successful collaboration proposal for me?

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