25 November 2024
Elucidating the role of Cathepsin C in immune response and cardiovascular disease through targeted enzyme inhibition
Missed our live online seminar on November 14, 2024? The recording is now available! Stefan Kreideweiß and Marc Grundl discuss the discovery of our highly selective Cathepsin C (CatC) inhibitor, BI-9740, and its accessibility to the global scientific community via opnMe. Our guest speakers, Joanna Cichy and Sevil Korkmaz-Içöz share their latest research findings about novel roles of CatC in neutrophil differentiation and function in the context of severe congenital neutropenia (SCN) and the protease’s role in ischemia/reperfusion injury following heart transplantation. Watch the recording now and enhance your understanding of CatC in immune response, learn how opnMe facilitated independent research, and find inspiration for your own research.
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About opnMe:
opnMe.com, the open science portal of Boehringer Ingelheim, fosters science and collaboration initiatives in areas of high unmet medical need. Our molecules are provided to the scientific community either free of charge as “Molecules to Order” or applied for via scientific research submissions as “Molecules for Collaboration”. With our “opn2EXPERTS” and “techMATCH” programs, we enlist scientific advice on key scientific topics to fuel further drug discovery and deliver novel solutions that benefit unmet patient needs. Our "opn2TALENTS" postdoc grants at one of our research sites offer opportunities for high-level talents to propose innovative approaches for precisely defined scientific questions.
About opnMe online seminars:
We invite you to watch the recordings of our online seminars on opnMe on the following topics:
- CNS-mental-health: Applying optogenetics to analyze neuronal networks in mental health
- MMP-13 antagonist: Assessing MMP-13 functions in osteoarthritis and aortic aneurysm
- PROTAC ACBI1: Illuminating the role of SMARCA2/4 in childhood cancer
- BCL6 Degrader: Elucidating the mechanism of small molecule induced protein degradation
- Kreideweiss S., Schänzle G., Schnapp G., Vintonyak V., Grundl M. A. BI 1291583: a novel selective inhibitor of cathepsin C with superior in vivo profile for the treatment of bronchiectasis. Inflamm. Res. 2023, 72(8):1709-1717. DOI: 10.1007/s00011-023-01774-4, PubMed.
- Chalmers J. D., Badorrek P., Diefenbach C., Kögler H., Sauter W., Kreideweiss S., Hohlfeld J. M. The preclinical and phase 1 development of the novel oral cathepsin C inhibitor BI 1291583 ERJ Open Res. 2024, 10(2):00725-2023. DOI: 10.1183/23120541.00725-2023, PubMed.
- Liu B., Korkmaz B., Kraft P., Mayer T., Sayour A. A., Grundl M. A., Domain R., Karck M., Szabó G., Korkmaz-Icöz S., Pharmacological inhibition of the cysteine protease cathepsin C improves graft function after heart transplantation in rats. J Transl Med. 2023, 21 (1):799. DOI: 10.1186/s12967-023-04659-6, PubMed.
- Mazur A., Skrzeczyńska-Moncznik J., Majewski P., Cichy J. Elastase-dependent congenital neutropenia. Rare Dis Orphan Drugs J. 2023, 2:1. DOI: 10.20517/rdodj.2022.12.
- Mazur A., Skrzeczyńska-Moncznik J., Mavroudi I., Perraki C. M., Korkmaz B., Papadaki H. A., Cichy J. Neutrophils from Patients with Acquired Neutropenia Exhibit Alterations in Serine Protease Immunostaining and Activity. Br J Haematol. (In press)